AR Prototyping
User Research
Tools used
Figma, Adobe Aero, Maya
UI/UX Design, AR Prototyping, User Research, Video Editing, 3D Modelling
In the beginning of our design thinking process, we created 3 different personas across different cycling levels as well as considered user types, such as shorter female cyclists that may encounter more problems than those who suit more “out of the box” bicycles, in order to consider ways our app can also help outliers.

The group identified 4 key points across all of our personas and affinity diagramming that characterize the users and problems encountered for targeting novice cyclists:
In the beginning of our design thinking process, we created 3 different personas across different cycling levels as well as considered user types, such as shorter female cyclists that may encounter more problems than those who suit more “out of the box” bicycles, in order to consider ways our app can also help outliers.

The group identified 4 key points across all of our personas and affinity diagramming that characterize the users and problems encountered for targeting novice cyclists:

lack of awareness and therefore improper fitting and modifications to truly suit the cyclists needs

uncertainty when troubleshooting

seeking professional assistance and encountering complicated processes or elitism

ultilitarian motivations to self learn in order for saving money

typically family members and the cyclist will be the first line of troubleshooting due to lesser connection to service shops

maintaining bike with low cost means

upkeeping a bike for commuting/ casual exploration or casual social activity
In the next phases of diagramming to think about solutions as well as flows to solve these 4 points we determined our app should:

teach users to able to spot technical errors with the AR tool

allow users to fix issues by themselves and if it is out of the scope of what can be explained in an app, they will be directed to a shop

modules to familiarize users to learn, identify and call for local help nearby

Users can find an index of parts, their compatibility, as well as places to purchase them
Final Design
AR Scanner allowing the user to identify and resolve technical issues using augmented reality (AR) and a guided tutorial.
This feature allows a user to ensure bike safety and smooth rides by using data from Strava and weather apps to prompt users for upkeep.
Learning Module
Utilizes an augmented reality (AR) function to personalize learning by identifying bike parts specific to the user's bike.
A module for compatible bike parts using Kivo's index of parts, their compatibility, and directs users to purchase locations.
Video showcase
Since it was my first time prototyping with AR in mind, I had to find techniques to showcase how the AR feature worked. Doing some video editing and experimenting with Aero allowed me to explore new ways to prototype and consider UI in a whole new way.
If given more time the team also had more considerations on how this app could improve such as:

Allowing the market feature to displayinventory in bike shops

Adding third party connections with Strava, Google Maps, etc. to work into the cyclist app ecosystem

Including community features or methods of contact for bike servicing shops