Hi, I’m Roslyn! A graphic designer who loves tinkering with the foundations of brands and using design as a way to learn new topics!
Currently Jr. Graphic Designer @ Lawtrades ↗ and looking for opportunities starting Jan 2025 👀

York University’s Student Centre

Branding | Social Media | Print

Creating multimedia work for York University's Student Body and Campus restaurants


UI/UX | Prototyping | AR Prototyping

An AR bike app to teach and help troubleshoot issues for a range of bikers to repair and maintain their bike

York Gaming & Esports

Branding | Social Media | Print | Website

Graphics and Print design for York University's Gaming Club Community


UI/UX | Prototyping

A app and webapp for patients and healthcare professionals to allieviate the stressors in healthcare

Sunny's Café

Branding | Print | Illustration

Café brand featuring recognizable Cantonese diasporic icons and food items

Thanks for visiting! Like what you see? Consider shooting me an email